Monday, 25 January 2010

Mold Fight photos!

Rejoice! Using my knowledge of ancient sciences I managed to coax my camera back to life and capture some photographs of the monsterous molds doing battle!

Here you can see the tomato infected with the pale plague of white mold and the orange peels growing grotesque green horrors the likes of which have only been known to fruit you forget about for three months at the back of a cupboard! The horror!
The orange peel is coated in some fine fibers, surely this is the begining of some ill conceived moldy monstrosity! But whether this is green or white, we do not yet know ...
This could be the deciding move of the battle, whichever mold claws it's way accross the surface of that orange peel will have enough strength to destroy the other ... and perhaps, life as we know it!

The lab of unspeakable terror and ambient candle light!

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Let battle commence!

Green mold vs White! The battle of these terrifying monsters has begun!
Unfortunately my ridiculous camera has consumed every battery left on earth, so I am going to have to wait for duracel to catch up with my battery demands before I can photograph the horror that is; Mold fighting!

Samples of both green and white mold were enclosed in a conical flask with subtrates of tomato and orange peel immersed in water, the white mold took to the watery depths once more, rising through the putrid flesh of the tomato! The green mold is falling behind, much slower in it's growth it is begining to loose to the pale pestilance that is creeping up on it from below!

Which mold will be consumed!? Who will survive this horrific battle!? Come back soon to find out!

P.S. Readers (if there are any) may be interested to know that the bottles I have used so far are over 80 years old, from the early 1900's, but I am going to exchange these for petri dishes next round as this will make photographing and disposal easier, because you see ... you cannot simply pour a mold down the drain, such a horrific monstrosity can only be disposed of in fire! The fire ... of the sun!

Monday, 18 January 2010

The pale pestilence from the deep has arisen!

This is the true face of our watery adversary, a white frosty layer of horrific mold upon the surface of the water! Women recoil in terror and men brandish canes at this ghostly ghastly grime, Cthulhu only knows what is to come!
Additionally; The orange peel's mold has turned dark green and both are nearly ready to be transplanted to thier battleground where they will do battle, which mold will overtake and consume the other!? White or Green!? There's only one way to find out- return again soon, if you dare!

Authors note: I do apologise for the dark photographs here but my sleeping pattern is not conducive to photography as I am mostly awake in the time period of ghouls, also known as; Night! [Maniacal laughter, thunder and lightening]

Saturday, 16 January 2010

It came from beneath the waves ...

To destroy all mankind! Or atleast just his tomato slices he left in a jar ...

Yes that's right, the tomato has struck mold! Beneath the surface of the water there lurks a lurking lurker! What unkown horror will sprout forth from the watery depths!? Whether our tiny human minds can fathom it or not, we are about to find out ...

Friday, 15 January 2010


Within the clear walls of a jar containing not but plant matter and it's juice, something has begun to grow ... Upon the dead skin of the orange, we have life! It is small now, with a hint of green, but what unholy monstrosity will it amass into!? Only time will tell ...

Friday, 8 January 2010

Growing my first mold!

Greetings Earth humans!
Joe here, I have begun to grow some mold for a JR method mold fight, I used tomato and orange peel as the substrates. (substrate: stuff that other stuff grows on)
What digusting disposition will conglomerate upon them!? Check back soon to find out!

Sporticulture Equipment Links

Useful links:







Do add more links as comments if you come across anything useful...
Mould is a potentially toxic growth that grows vociferously under the right conditions, and protection against the mould is advisable and in heavyweight leagues it is almost compulsory.

Protective Clothing

Mould battling apparel consists of:
  1. Goggles = for protecting the eyes from stray spores.
  2. An overall, labcoat, or thick apron = for protecting the clothes.
  3. Gauntlets = for protecting the hands from mould.
  4. Hat = for protecting the head and hair from mould. Top hats are particularly popular.

Methods for Mould Battling 3 - Bespoke Duels

Bespoke Duels

This is where one challenger with a recipe for a mould challenges another - however a third arbiter is appointed. Mould Warriors take turns instructing the Arbiter on what to do to look after the moulds. The Arbiter has the job of caretaker and mould trainer for both moulds, and undertakes all duties of care and reportage on the state of the battle.

  1. Appoint an Arbiter. Ask someone to be the caretaker of your battle.
  2. Challenge your opponent. Throw down the gauntlet to another sporeticulturalist.
  3. Let the battle commence! Each challenger asks the Arbiter to grow the moulds from whatever they might suggest within a suitable container (usually a Kilner jar).
    Each challenger takes turns in suggesting a change, such as, "Feed my mould a tablespoon of warm sweet tea", or "Move the jar into the sunlight for a day"
  4. The Winner. The winning mould is the mould that dominates the available space inside the jar.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Methods for Mold Battling 2 - The Mold War.

Apparently, people who choose to deliberately grow Moulds are known as Sporeticulturalists. However, people who use them in battle are called Mould Warriors!

  1. Grow your mold. Take a picture of your mould with a ruler next to it so it shows clearly the starting size of the mould culture - this way challenged players can decide whether they wish to take on the challenge.
  2. Select a deadline. Which should be a specific date and time.
  3. Let it grow! Each opponent should provide regular updates with a picture of their mould and a complete list of what they are feeding it and what temperature and other conditions it is being grown in.
  4. The Winner. The winning mold is the mold that has grown the largest in the allocated time limit. The players should agree on which dimensions to measurethe mold by amongst themselves.

Methods for Mold Battling 1 - The JR Method.

  1. Grow two or more molds. Some consistency should be oberserved when growing molds, vary the same parameters for all the mold you grow, for example; Use a different solid and liquid substrate for each mold and keep them in similar environments.
  2. Mix the molds in one enclosure. This is the part where you pit them against each other on the field of battle! Add some of the original substrates used and watch them grow more.
  3. The winner. The winning mold is the one that completely over-runs the final enclosure where the molds are combined.